Under one roof, we listened, spoke our truth, presented, and shared our experiences, both lived and of helping women and their children who have lived through domestic violence, and how we can work toward a safer tomorrow.
The discussion, featured below, focused on perspectives for Creating Change and Movement Building.
We were some 600+ women, and a handful of men, representative from every province and territory in Canada gathered together to encourage and to learn from one another at the first national conference of Women’s Shelters Canada held June 13-15, 2018 in Ottawa. We were – and are – a community of women helping women: strong, resilient, articulate, compassionate. We love outside of ourselves because we are possessed with a holy calling and fearless drive to end violence against women. We have and are and will come alongside our sisters – those who have become downcast, sick, injured, weak, terrified, and immobile in the midst of abusive and violent home lives and intimate relationships.
We stand united in our desire to end violence against women.