Help us empower immigrant women impacted by domestic abuse and family violence.
Your donation makes a difference by allowing SHADE to expand the number of immigrant women we serve. In 2023, we provided 850 practical and psychosocial support services to women living in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The needs of SHADE’s clients are often complex: individual clients may receive multiple services, such as professional trauma counselling, support in accessing government services, and legal information and advocacy with lawyers.
According to Statistics Canada, women account for approximately 80% of persons impacted by intimate partner violence in Canada; approximately 30% of women belonging to an ethno-cultural group designated as a visible minority reported experiencing domestic abuse. There are nearly 85,000 women 18+ living in Winnipeg.
Please consider a donation to SHADE to support women in need.
Thank you for your generosity.
1. DONATE at the bottom of the page through CanadaHelps.
2. Click the DONATE button in the top right of website.
3. Mail your donation to:
S.H.A.D.E. (Safe Housing And Directed Empowerment) Inc.
Winnipeg, MB R2V 4G8
For donations $20 and over, include your name and email address to receive a tax deductible receipt.